Hockey Stick Co-Author Insults Skeptics: “Many don’t believe in evolution… probably haven’t evolved very much themselves. That’s part of the problem.”

1. What does the theory of evolution have to do with the hypothesis of catastrophic manmade global warming?

2. If you don’t agree with Bradley, you are a Neanderthal — must be a new theme among warmists since that’s how Jim Hansen refers to Keystone XL proponents.

3. Warmist scientist Katharine Hayhoe believes in the literal Bible.

Watch Ray Bradley’s presentation. This insult occur at about 1:04 into the video during the Q&A.

13 thoughts on “Hockey Stick Co-Author Insults Skeptics: “Many don’t believe in evolution… probably haven’t evolved very much themselves. That’s part of the problem.””

  1. A just question, my liege. I dunno either. But I can make choices in this world that foster intelligence (like commenting here), safety (like driving with consideration), and benevolence (teaching my kids to be generous with their own money, not other people’s money, courtesy to all including housekeepers and table crew). That’s what I mean.

  2. Howdy, friends Ben and I Lou
    I also believe in divine intervention — after all, that’s what it seemed to take to get me married off — but it seems to be rare. I am always looking for more thought on God, God’s will, and how to be God’s agent.

  3. A book I found interesting was by Francis Collins, the person who lead the project to decode DNA. The book is called ‘The Language of God’. (The language of God being DNA). He believes in both evolution and creation, ie: not mutually exclusive as most think. He calls it ‘biologos’.

  4. No, MT, you’re a thinking individual that fits in quite well, as your comments on this website clearly demonstrate. If you get a chance, a recommendation for good reading is Henry M. Mossis’ “Scientific Creationism,” (Green Forest: Master Books, 1985). It’s the best apologetic I’ve ever read dealing with the tension between God’s Creation and the sciences He’s left for us to find out how He did it. At last check, it’s still in print.

  5. Rational Christian who believes in the Divine Clockmaker creation theory.

    Not that hard.

  6. Let me see where I fit here.
    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all that is seen and unseen.
    I believe in evolution as the method that God used. I don’t know why God created a universe or why God used evolution to shape life on Earth, though. You could put that almost in the Intelligent Design column for philosophy but clearly in conventional science for method.
    I believe climate changes and that CO2 is one element (“forcing”, to use a recent term) but I also believe that CO2 is a trivial forcing agent and human production of CO2 is smaller yet.
    I believe in good stewardship of resources and keeping real pollution to a feasible minimum — but starving children in Africa to that end seems wrong to me.
    I think we’d have cleaner environments if we could get things done with less burning — less soot, fewer trace gases like benzene or carbon monoxide, less ozone close to the surface. I’d love to see every industrial waste cleaned before it’s disposed — but I wouldn’t keep a kid from having new socks for it.
    Am I progressive? Neanderthal? Pro-science? Anti-science?

  7. I read a few days ago at Andrew Montford’s that Haughton, one of the chiefs of climate change alarmism in the UK, sees the climate alarmism thing as part of his Christian duty. And really, you’ll find all sorts of people on both sides of the argument.

  8. Have any of these tree hugging, root kissing clowns ever held real jobs instead merely being tax leeches government employees?

  9. Global warmers: The world’s greatest argument for evolution from apes.

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