Hansen craps on UN global climate treaty: “An approach that’s NOT going to work”

From a Hansen interview with Bloomberg News:

Q: Should the UN process be abandoned?

A: I wouldn’t abandon it, but I just don’t hold out high hopes for getting 180 nations to agree on an approach.

The developing countries come to these meetings asking for assistance and to some degree they get promises of it even if it doesn’t get delivered in any substantial degree. The developed countries go there trying to find a way they can continue business as usual basically by paying a bribe to the developing countries.

That’s an approach that’s just not going to work.

Read the interview.

One thought on “Hansen craps on UN global climate treaty: “An approach that’s NOT going to work””

  1. ‘180 members’ is a Committee. The only thing a Committee can accomplish is to beat up on its own weak dissidents.

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