Gov. Moonbeam warns students that global warming a greater concern for them than mortgages, debt or war

When will warmists learn to keep their mouths shut?

The AP reports:

The governor has repeatedly called for revisions in public policy to better address the impacts of the changing climate on the world’s economy and environment. At a University of California, Berkeley commencement on Monday, he warned students that climate change will be a greater concern for them than mortgages, debt or war.

7 thoughts on “Gov. Moonbeam warns students that global warming a greater concern for them than mortgages, debt or war”

  1. Climate change doesn’t shoot at you, plant IEDs, burn villages to the ground and drop bombs from the air. I’ll take my chances with climate change.
    As for debt and mortgages, if the government didn’t regulate jobs out of existence and college graduates could do basic math, neither of those would be a problem.

  2. I’ve run up my credit cards and paid on two mortgages and I’ve been in the military. Moonbeam needs to get his priorities straight, but he won’t and it likes like California’s voters won’t either.

  3. Moonbeam isn’t wrong … the way he’s going, he’s sure to make it a catastrophic economic problem for the students for years to come. They’ll be sitting in their cardboard shacks with icicles dripping from their noses unable to pay for heating !!

  4. Natural selection in progress. Those students who are dumb enough to listen to this without throwing eggs will be selected away soon. Darwin awards are waiting for them.

  5. Especially if they stay in California, where Moonbeam has mortgaged the state’s future. Of course, if most of those graduates actually need a job, they’ll probably have to move to Texas, where the idiots are not in charge.

  6. And here we have a classic example of an evangelist preaching to the choir…

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