FLASHBACK: 90% of US IPCC scientists surveyed say manmade emissions drive global warming — 2013: UN Weather Chief admits natural variability in driver seat

JunkScience’s 2007 survey of US IPCC scientists exposed the wacky conceits of warmism.

Click for “UN Weather Chief: Natural variability overcoming manmade warming.”

Click for “Global Warming’s Senseless Consensus.”

One thought on “FLASHBACK: 90% of US IPCC scientists surveyed say manmade emissions drive global warming — 2013: UN Weather Chief admits natural variability in driver seat”


    We put millions of skilled workers on manufacturing jobs building 500 to 1,000 Nuclear power plant of a low cost standard design. This will provide all the energy to accomplish a full restoration of our industrial base. How will this happen you ask?

    First we “MINE” the oceans for gold, silver, copper, uranium, methane, manganese and other valuable minerals and metals. It has been estimated that it will be profitable to mine gold from the seas at around $ 3,000 per ounce. Second we use cheap nuclear power to extract these metals which could make a profit to pay off the national debt. Third we use the byproduct “WATER” to farm the huge vacant dry south west feeding the entire planet with low cost food.

    Finally we use the cheap nuclear power to build factories to manufacture everything the entire planet needs and we return to zero unemployment and can pay good wages because we have free energy that makes a profit in it’s creation.The money generated can payoff all debts, build nuclear reprocessing plants, research and develop a system to render nuclear waste harmless.

    Just think, full employment, no energy crisis ever, gold to make money valuable, make the dollar the strongest currency on earth, end inflation, end government debt. Just imagine “AMERICA REBORN AND THE DREAM FULFILLED!!!

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