Financial Times: China should adopt carbon caps to improve its popularity

Because totalitarianism goes down smoother with junk science-based policy?

The FT comments:

… playing a constructive role would alter at a stroke the world’s perception of a prickly rising power unwilling to contribute to a global system of rules. China’s dominance would be accepted less grudgingly if it exercised power with commensurate responsibility. It would gain influence in global standard-setting, whether in carbon reduction or other areas. Therein lies Beijing’s true prize.

Read more at the Financial Times.

2 thoughts on “Financial Times: China should adopt carbon caps to improve its popularity”

  1. China *already* has more ‘influence’ than anybody else. They are at the top of the heap, and no longer need to impress anyone.
    Who needs ‘popularity’ when you are in CONTROL!

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