Climategate Cover-up: UK court permits UEA’s ‘independent review’ committee to withhold documents, evidence from public

Apparently, the review of so “independent” that the University of East Anglia doesn’t have access to any of the evidence submitted to the review committee.

Read the decision.

Read a synopsis from the UK Human Rights Blog.

One thought on “Climategate Cover-up: UK court permits UEA’s ‘independent review’ committee to withhold documents, evidence from public”

  1. Now we have to wonder what the review committee looked at. Presumably, it looked at information “held by” the UEA. This means the UEA had it at the time, and nobody has suggested that the UEA gave it away and doesn’t have it anymore.

    Did the committee look at information *not* “held by” the UEA? Maybe so.

    Either way, the question is, why not divulge it when cordially asked? Apparently it is *not* boring or mundane, but rather, interesting enough to motivate efforts to block its release. Expensive and time-consuming efforts.

    Now that we know they “are holding” some good stuff, we *really* need to fight over this one.

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