Chicago Tribune: ‘Worry about food stamp growth, not junk food’

“So lighten up, already. We’re all for reducing obesity, reining in health care costs and prudent spending of taxpayer dollars. But we don’t think the government needs to micromanage the grocery shopping habits of its citizens.”

Read more at the Chicago Tribune.

One thought on “Chicago Tribune: ‘Worry about food stamp growth, not junk food’”

  1. By and large, any diet with a decent range of foods is reasonably healthy. Some people appear to do better with more carbs, others with more fiber or with more protein or even (gasp) fat.
    There’s something irritating about seeing a welfare-program member buying stuff I consider a waste of money, but that’s really just a Puritan whiff of mine. The real issue is in fact the growth of food stamps: that so many are willing to use them, that so many need them, that the eligibility seems over-broad. Decent jobs and lower food costs do more to lift the poor than welfare programs; decent jobs and lower costs depend mostly on government getting out of the way.

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