5 thoughts on “Bill McKibben: ‘It makes no sense to pay for one’s pension by investing in companies that make sure we won’t have a planet to retire on’”

  1. It makes no sense to pay for one’s pension by investing in companies that make sure we won’t have a planet to retire on

    Whereas everyone who has invested in green technology companies has lost both their pension funds and their shirt.

    Investing in green tech is an even quicker way to burn through money than lighting it with a match.

  2. You’d like to think that ignoring a twit like McKibben would diminish his influence. Alas, it turns out that comments like his gain traction unless they are rebutted. Continually. Ad nauseum. Over and over. But I repeat myself, said the cloner.

  3. I didn’t know who Bill McKibben was, only that he was not well thought of outside the radical environmental left. I read the link and then gushing wiki bio. I’m underwhelmed. I didn’t know that the 1 degree rise had melted the Arctic until I read his article. So, why are we plotting all of this ice coverage if it has already melted?
    Obviously a man with no scientific background other than thinking great thoughts and not much background in economics.
    So, why do we do him the favor of keeping up the buzz about him?

  4. If Bill MicKibben and his ilk were right, his point would be valid. Since they are wrong, his point is wrong.

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