Bill Gates Hypocrisy: Foundation of billionaire warmist has $1 billion invested in ExxonMobil and BP

Just the other day, Bill Gates was lamenting the irony of the world’s poor being made to suffer from the carbon emissions of the world’s wealthy.

Bill Gates recently tweeted:

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Click for Naomi Klein’s exposure of Gates’ hypocritical investment.

3 thoughts on “Bill Gates Hypocrisy: Foundation of billionaire warmist has $1 billion invested in ExxonMobil and BP”

  1. I agree with that. He also invests in the development of small-scale modular nuclear power generation (200-300MW).

  2. If I was going to make a choice between investing in Exxon/Mobil and Solayndra, gee what a tough choice; especially if I wanted to make money on my investment.
    Nature Conservancy has the most money and they continue to try and get people or companies to either buy land for them to conserve or donate the land. So what is the true value of their assets?

  3. He may be a hypocrite but he’s not a stupid hypocrite. He knows where the money is and it isn’t in alternative energy sources.

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