Anti-fracking Occupy the Pipeline claims shale gas planned for NYC is 70 times more radioactive than conventional natural gas

The activists estimate that, ultimately, Marcellus shale gas have 3x more radon than Gulf Coast gas. But this exposure level presents no demonstrable risk of lung cancer — despite the 30,000+ estimated by the activists. The EPA touted lung cancer risk from residential radon was debunked long ago by the University of Pittsburgh’s Bernie Cohen.

Read more at The Nation.

One thought on “Anti-fracking Occupy the Pipeline claims shale gas planned for NYC is 70 times more radioactive than conventional natural gas”

  1. Simple solution: Cut off all natural gas to NYC (and any others that don’t like fracking) that was produced by fracking and sell them no electricity produced with natural gas that was fracked. Who are we to argue with their irrational fears? Let’s just play along and cut off the fuel.

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