Animal Rights, IRS Wrongs? Is IRS official and Humane Society supporter Lois Lerner squelching IRS review of the Humane Society?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Beef Magazine reports:

It’s quite evident that if you are disliked by the IRS, you will most certainly be overly scrutinized, taxed and audited, but if you are a bedfellow with this government agency, you might just be exempt from paying in at all.

That’s exactly what might be happening with HSUS, given the organization’s cozy relationship with Lerner and the IRS. Even though several members of Congress have written letters to the IRS requesting that IRS investigate the questionable tax-exempt status of HSUS, there has been no action. It makes you wonder if it’s time to look closer at Lerner and her HSUS ties.

Read more at Beef Magazine.

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