9 thoughts on “JunkScience was right! 400 ppm CO2 level not reached last week, NOAA admits”

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t “reduce CO2 by 50%” pertaining to CO2 generated by humans per year not total atmospheric CO2?

  2. Absolutely Correct and I have been arguing it for years… For green leafy crops and plants (Not so much for seed crops) the Best CO2 concentrations are from 1,200ppm to 1,500ppm and plants at those levels of CO2 can withstand much higher temps than the same plant in the 300ppm to 400ppm ranges… And yes if the Claimed goal of reducing CO2 by 50% were ever (Impossible since Humans only account for about 12% to 20% of CO2 in the atmosphere and only about .036% of so called green House Gases) then food production across the board would place the world into global famine conditions, If not a extinction level event…

  3. Facts: On a historically correct graph of Atmospheric Temperature compared to CO2 ppm that was done on tree ring studies over many years (graph on CO2Science.org) one will find that at 391ppm co2, the level of CO2 is among the lowest level CO2 for 550 million years! That covers the entire time terrestrial plants have existed on Earth. I wish all the global warming crowd would learn this: At 250ppm CO2 the limit of plant growth and reproduction is greatly stressed. At 200ppm modern food plants go extinct. At 175ppm all plants (including ocean life) go extinct. No plants to produce oxygen, all animals, including mankind, die. Still want to reduce CO2 by 50%? Think hard about you are wishing for!!

  4. Neat “I was right”, but in the end, 400 ppm a pointless big round number. On any physical level, it’s indistinguishable from 399 or 401

  5. I must wonder if in 1958 anyone could measure CO2 precisely to the 0.10 ppm. That goes back to my school days and things were pretty crude compared to today.

  6. “That rate, measured by the Keeling Curve, shows atmospheric CO2 levels are rising at unprecedented rates, ”

    Hardly. Compare the 800,000 year chart and the 300 year chart. Depends on your starting point. Surprise. The rate of rise is by no means unusual.

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