WaPo gives 4 Pinocchios to Obama group for misleadingly citing House vote on climate change bill

“But we were intrigued by the [Obama group] video’s claim that 240 House lawmakers had declared climate change to be a ‘hoax.'”

According to the Washington Post:

Waxman’s amendment was a classic legislative gambit, goading the other side to reject language that — on its face — appears reasonable. To that extent, even in failure the amendment was a success. The Hill newspaper headlined its article on the vote: “Amendment that says climate change is occurring fails in House.”

The Organizing for Action video then gilds the lily by immediately following a reference to the vote with a clip of a speech by Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.): “The idea of human-induced global climate change is one of the greatest hoaxes perpetrated out of the scientific community.” As FactCheck.Org noted, that speech was given in 2009 — not during the debate over the 2011 amendment.

Moreover, nowhere in the amendment does the word “hoax” appear.

Read more at the Washington Post.

One thought on “WaPo gives 4 Pinocchios to Obama group for misleadingly citing House vote on climate change bill”

  1. But climate change, as “progressives” use it to shape policy, IS a hoax. I’d love to see someone introduce a resolution to that effect. The Marc Morano A Spade Is A Spade Act.

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