2 thoughts on “WaPo Op-ed: Relying on renewable energy ‘unwise’, ‘far from realistic’; Carbon reduction ‘more sensible’ way to win race against global warming’”

  1. “We’re losing the race against global warming.”

    Since the global temp is unchanged for nearly a generation, one must wonder what exactly this race is. The race to “carbon reduction” appears to be nothing more than the desire to hobble Western economies. Why race to that? Why even drive slowly to it?

    WaPo is simply whacko in publishing this Op-ed. One only need be minimally informed to know that it is detached from reality. Are WaPo editors really this ignorant?

  2. It’s true that relying on renewables means a far-reduced standard of living for most Americans and so it isn’t going to happen.
    It is false that we are losing a race with global warming, though. Any policy that uses “global warming” as its justification should be boiled in its own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through its heart.

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