USDA Climate Head: Global Warming To Bring More ‘Miserable Days’ — says another under-qualified, over-employed Obamacrat?

“The director of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Climate Change Program said Wednesday that global warming will cause an increase in the number of “miserable days” over the next several years.”

Read more at USNews.

Click for William Hohenstein’s qualifications to make such pronouncements.

3 thoughts on “USDA Climate Head: Global Warming To Bring More ‘Miserable Days’ — says another under-qualified, over-employed Obamacrat?”

  1. I’ll tell you what will make the days MORE miserable,… more Socialism and the poverty and hopelessness it irrevocably generates….


  2. Yeah. I guess it depends on your taste? There are people in Siberia who just love it at 20 degrees below zero. Seriously.

  3. The Obama administrations will cause an increase in the number of miserable days over the next few years.

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