UN Climate Report Leak: Emissions goal slipping so badly gov’ts may have to find ways of sucking CO2 out of atmosphere

Won’t need to. Extra CO2 in the atmosphere won’t cause warming.

Read the Reuters report about the UN hysteria.

Read JunkScience’s “The Real Inconvenient Truth” for why we don’t need too sweat more atmospheric CO2.

3 thoughts on “UN Climate Report Leak: Emissions goal slipping so badly gov’ts may have to find ways of sucking CO2 out of atmosphere”

  1. Sadly I am beginning to fear you are exactly correct. I say “sadly” because that makes me feel I’m becoming a conspiracy nut myself.

  2. QUOTE: “Won’t need to. Extra CO2 in the atmosphere won’t cause warming.”

    Correct, BUT the point is… the STILL want the money and control!
    Whether its TRUE or not makes absolutely no difference whatsoever!

    Truth doesn’t matter to them at all, all that matters is gaining control. Once they have that control, and the “ball is in their court”…. the problem will miraculously fade from the public sphere… PROBLEM SOLVED!

    Remember, they are trying to “Serve Man”…..

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