3 thoughts on “Sen. Coburn attacked for blocking National Science Foundation funding of political science; An act of ‘intellectual vandalism’”

  1. Bureaucracy is an engine for generating inefficiency. Never in my life (or any of the history I have studied, for that matter) have I ever encountered anything that was immune to being mucked up by a bureaucracy. Everything the government does requires money, and whenever the goverment start handing out money, there *will* be people ready to exploit the system to get a bunch of that money for themselves – from illegal immigrants to Texas billionaires.
    With cash-eating jackals at every turn, any program that is worthwhile in terms of the expected results should be removed from the proximity of bureaucracy.

  2. “Social science” studies by the government tend to be exercises in propaganda.

  3. I read once upon a time that the elimination of iron lung wards for severe polio patients saved enough money to fund the National Institute of Health – so much for waste. I was ecstatic to realize my children had a near zero chance of winding up in one of those Iron Lungs. If it wasn’t for crazy imams, polio would have been completely eliminated from our planet by now. .

    The WMAP satellite has established 13.8 billion years as the age of the universe. That has no practical spin offs, but it certainly is exciting to know.

    Too many of Federal agencies are infested by Naderites. Our President lets them run wild because he doesn’t think very well.

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