One thought on “Report: U.S. Shale Boom Threatens Russia’s Energy Economy — RealityDrop: Obama admin against gas exports to NATO allies now hooked on Russian gas”

  1. The FAR left has always employed this strategy. They don’t so much openly FORCE their agenda in the West, they are still in the minority. What they CAN do is sabotage the strengths of the West, and constrain the choices available to us by using various schemes and meems that Liberals are susceptible to believing. THIS is how they create the numbers (i.e. a force multiplier) that IS sufficient to succeed in slow the West up and stall out Western economic (read: Military) progress.

    In fact, that is what “Environmentalism” is! This is the culmination of the plan by the Soviets to slow up industrial output which THEY COULD NEVER EVER HOPE TO MATCH… they needed an “Ace in the Hole”. If you look at EVERYTHING Obummer does, it matches this plan and tactic EXACTLY… he’s the REAL Manchurian Candidate.

    Why shut down the Gulf and then GIVE Brazil the money to develop THEIR resources? Takes funds out of our pool and put it in theirs! Slows up the contributions “Big Oil” can make to oppose him and his party.

    Why stop coal? Its not a contributor to his party and brings net income BACK to the US while keeping China from spending it with us thereby mitigating a portion of the trade surplus.

    Why Nationalize Healthcare? The Unions will feed back the revenue the GVT will pay them and their party will get an ever larger slice. Its ALWAYS been a part of the Socialist planning!

    Why throw Israel under the bus and allow Iran to get the Bomb? It will GREATLY constrain our FP choices in the Mid-East thereafter and cause the price per barrel to GO WAY UP… this will slim down his opposition’s pockets and necessitate the emergency he will use to facilitate Nationalization of THAT industry!

    He’s following the playbook EXACTLY… and getting away with it because the Press is in the bag for Socialism,… so they think… they’ll be last to fall beneath the hegemon, but they will…. and they’ll be very very sorry they did, and unfortunately way, way too late to do anything about it….

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