Redundant: New literary genre of ‘climate fiction’ or ‘cli-fi’

Jules Verne has nothing on Michael Mann.

“Over the past decade, more and more writers have begun to set their novels and short stories in worlds, not unlike our own, where the Earth’s systems are noticeably off-kilter. The genre has come to be called climate fiction — “cli-fi,” for short.”

Read more at WCSUFM.

4 thoughts on “Redundant: New literary genre of ‘climate fiction’ or ‘cli-fi’”

  1. TURNS out that the word CLI FI was coined by climate activist and polar city promoter DAN BLoom see here
    last graf for EARLIEST CITATION below’

    CLI FI makes dictionary here

    n. A literary or movie genre featuring dystopian stories of Earth
    affected by extreme climate change. [Climate + fiction.]

    Example Citations:
    Odds is the latest in what seems to be an emerging literary genre.
    Over the past decade, more and more writers have begun to set their
    novels and short stories in worlds, not unlike our own, where the
    Earth’s systems are noticeably off-kilter. The genre has come to be
    called climate fiction — “cli-fi,” for short.
    —Angela Evancie, “So Hot Right Now: Has Climate Change Created A New
    Literary Genre?,” National Public Radio, April 20, 2013

    Cli-fi, or ‘climate fiction,’ describes a dystopian present, as
    opposed to a dystopian future. And don’t call it ‘science fiction.’
    Cli-fi is literary fiction.
    —Husna Haq, “Climate change inspires a new literary genre: cli-fi,”
    The Christian Science Monitor, April 26, 2013

    Earliest Citation:
    From “Soylent Green” in 1973 to “The Day After Tomorrow” in 2004,
    movies also began to venture into a new genre of science fiction that
    might be called “cli-fi” .. or climate fiction.

    Cli-fi is also a new genre for novels and short stories.
    —Dan Bloom, “The Next Big Genre: ‘Cli-Fi’ — Climate Fiction, in Which
    ‘Mad Max’ Meets ‘The Road’,” The Wrap, November 3, 2011


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