Tesla scraps $52K econo model and claims profit; Fisker teeters on edge of bankruptcy

Hardly a success for the Obama-run Central Planning Venture Capital. Continue reading Tesla scraps $52K econo model and claims profit; Fisker teeters on edge of bankruptcy

Bill McKibben confused about democracy; 42% is NOT a majority, Bill — even in your ideal of mob-ocracy

McKibben tweets: Continue reading Bill McKibben confused about democracy; 42% is NOT a majority, Bill — even in your ideal of mob-ocracy

Even Bjorn Lom-Gore-Borg takes note of Marcott hokey stick fraud — Is the Non-Skeptical Enviro finally evolving into his book title?

Bjorn Lom-Gore-Borg believes in manmade global warming warmist as much Al Gore — but fraud is fraud. Continue reading Even Bjorn Lom-Gore-Borg takes note of Marcott hokey stick fraud — Is the Non-Skeptical Enviro finally evolving into his book title?