EPA-funded study: Urban trees associated with increased childhood asthma; Says global warming may be more important than child health

Yum, this is among the best tasting irony we’ve ever had. Continue reading EPA-funded study: Urban trees associated with increased childhood asthma; Says global warming may be more important than child health

UPenn researcher: ‘Reports of health problems linked to fracking thus far are anecdotal’

No data showing anyone claiming an effect was exposed to fracking-related substances. Continue reading UPenn researcher: ‘Reports of health problems linked to fracking thus far are anecdotal’

New Enviro Bogusity: Not carbon taxing fossil fuels is a subsidy worth trillions annually

From the make-believe land of the “social cost of carbon.” Continue reading New Enviro Bogusity: Not carbon taxing fossil fuels is a subsidy worth trillions annually

Study: Bees ‘at risk’ from heavy metals in flowers; New effort to blame humans for alleged bee decline

But the study fails to report any adverse effects among the bees studied. Continue reading Study: Bees ‘at risk’ from heavy metals in flowers; New effort to blame humans for alleged bee decline

University of North Carolina explains how it circumvents lobbying rules to get federal research dollars

The sequester has made times tough for UNC’s research budget and the university can’t make political contributions — but its employees sure can (albeit without “explicit connection”)! Continue reading University of North Carolina explains how it circumvents lobbying rules to get federal research dollars

As predicted: MSM links Second Amendment supporters with other UN gun treaty opponents — North Korea, Iran and Syria

That didn’t take long. Continue reading As predicted: MSM links Second Amendment supporters with other UN gun treaty opponents — North Korea, Iran and Syria

EPA to human guinea pig in air pollution experiment: ‘There is a possibility you may die from this’

Does EPA really expect people to risk their lives for $12/hour in non-therapeutic experiments? Will Gina McCarthy be asked about this at her confirmation hearing? Continue reading EPA to human guinea pig in air pollution experiment: ‘There is a possibility you may die from this’

Obama vote for UN gun treaty puts Second Amendment supporters on same side of treaty as opponents North Korea, Iran & Syria

Gun controllers sure to have fun with this. Continue reading Obama vote for UN gun treaty puts Second Amendment supporters on same side of treaty as opponents North Korea, Iran & Syria

New Zealand warmists slander Monckton because ‘he has no training and has studiously avoided learning anything about science’

That must be why they so obviously fear him. Monckton is a world famous autodidact and polymath with an intellect second to none in the climate wars. Continue reading New Zealand warmists slander Monckton because ‘he has no training and has studiously avoided learning anything about science’