Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Wants more private $$$ in clean energy — FLASHBACK: Calpers pulling out after annual 10% losses

In response to question from Washington state Sen. Maria Cantwell at the confirmation hearing. Cantwell supports “luring private sector dollars” into clean energy. But large institutional investor Calpers just pulled out after 10% annual losses since 2007. So “luring” is what it takes.

Watch live at 10am ET.

Read about Calpers decision to pull out.

2 thoughts on “Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Wants more private $$$ in clean energy — FLASHBACK: Calpers pulling out after annual 10% losses”

  1. Luring is already occurring; it is called confiscation of individual monies in the form of taxes.

  2. “Clean” energy in this case probably means low CO2 output and we know that’s malarkey. But if “clean” energy were actually, well, energy, Obama and the Enablers would be doing their best to shut it down. You know, if it actually delivered results and showed a profit.

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