NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. As it turns out, the “victim” had a pre-existing pulmonary condition but nevertheless stood at the bus exhaust pipe for 5 minutes or so.

Watch the hearing live 9:30am ET.

Click for EPA’s illegal human experiments that inadvertently debunk the notion that air pollution kills, causes acute harm.

Click for William Rom’s written testimony.

One thought on “NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm”

  1. A fake with a tinge of reality, perhaps. A few of the worst and long-lasting asthma attacks I experienced followed a sprint to catch a train. I can imagine a stupid asthma patient whose anamnesis includes a bus and its diesel exhaust but omits hyperventilation, and an equally stupid doctor going along with it.

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