3 thoughts on “NYTimes Mag: ‘Our Feel Good War on Breast Cancer’”

  1. One hundred and eight U.S. women die of breast cancer each day. Some can live for a decade or more with metastatic disease, but the median life span is 26 months.
    Awareness about testicular cancer is raised by a yellow bracelet. In November men are urged to grow their facial hair to raise awareness of prostate cancer (another illness for which early detection has led to large-scale overtreatment) and testicular cancer. Unlike breast cancer, men usually get prostate problems after 65, while women often get breast cancer decades earlier.

  2. About 7,920 new cases of testicular cancer will be diagnosed each year,
    A quarter of a million women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.
    About 370 men will die of testicular cancer.
    About 41,000 women die of breast cancer every year.
    Lately, the rate of increase of testicular cancer has slowed.
    Since the nineties, women’s life expectancy has declined about six years.
    Men’s life expectancy has slightly increased.
    Testicular cancer is not common; a man’s lifetime chance of developing testicular cancer is about 1 in 270. Women’s chance of getting breast cancer is one in eight.
    Men’s risk of dying from testicular cancer about 1 in 5,000.
    Women’s chance of dying from breast cancer is one in 36.
    — American Cancer Society’s estimates for cancer in the United States are for 2013.

  3. Breast cancer became a “women’s issue” somehow instead of a health issue. So much follows from that.
    Meantime, how much do we see about testicular cancer? Oh, a little, sure. But there’s no “The Rock for the Cure” with a “Feel your balls” public info campaign.

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