7 thoughts on “New Zealand warmists slander Monckton because ‘he has no training and has studiously avoided learning anything about science’”

  1. Last that I learned a Scientist is a person who uses the scientific method to study what he is interested in. It doesn’t matter what your level of schooling is if you use the scientific method to explain the world then you “Are a Scientist”

  2. so funny they accuse Monckton of no science,

    Hmmmm Al Gore!! now what did he think the temp of the earths core was.

  3. Uh oh.

    Haven’t they learnt that the Lord is in a fighting mood? He will present the physical evidence in court.


    “But he has no training …”

    Untrammeled by training, as Henry Lawson wrote.

  4. Why don’t the “scientists” just disagree with Monckton, or ignore him? Why do they devolve to ad hominem?

    Don’t expect the NZ Herald to ask these obvious questions.

  5. Even though they have redefined the meaning of ‘science’, they are still dead wrong to say that about Monckton. He has learnt a thing or two about them and their notion of science. He was able to hold his nose and go where many of us would be too disgusted to go. That’s avoidance, all right.

    I note that all these adapted meanings of old words tend to have the opposite sense.

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