2 thoughts on “New Gasoline Regulations Show Slipping Middle Class Agenda”

  1. The former egalitarian society of the United States of America. We now have poor, rich, middle class. Each to be treated differently under the law. Officially declared by the president and endless politicians.

    When the president says he’s for the middle class, he is saying he is against equality. He should be for everybody the same.

  2. The ballad of Obama, Reid, Pelosi.
    “Oh how we love the middle class,
    We really really do.
    We’ll give you all a shiny moon,
    A sky that’s always blue.
    Because we love the middle class,
    We really really do.
    We’ll tax the rich,Abort the poor
    And do it all for you.
    Because we love the middle class.
    We really really do.
    You’ve sent us back to all our perks,
    Our endless flights on AF 1 & 2
    That’s why we love middle class,
    We really really really do!”

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