New Enviro Bogusity: Not carbon taxing fossil fuels is a subsidy worth trillions annually

From the make-believe land of the “social cost of carbon.”

In reality, fossil fuels have been one of the greatest boons to public health and the environment.

Read SkepticalScience’s “Trillions of Dollars are Pumped into our Fossil Fuel Addiction Every Year.”

3 thoughts on “New Enviro Bogusity: Not carbon taxing fossil fuels is a subsidy worth trillions annually”

  1. “the world’s poor are subsidizing the world’s rich.”

    This is BAT$#|+ STUPID. It sounds like something the TelePrompter of the United States would tell us.

  2. And it just so happens that the IMF would be happy to collect those carbon taxes on your behalf.

  3. So, they are pumping life in me by not killing me? I must be eternally greatful to them.

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