8 thoughts on “Native American Tribal Judge: ‘Keystone XL = Death’; Certain rupture to cause children, grandchildren to die of thirst”

  1. 1: Since when do we ever stay on topic?
    2: I’ve been lectured on this by several people, mostly Muskogee since my family lives in that area. They raised the exact same problems you state, but say that “first nation” puts them on a pedestal, similar to the “Noble Savage” steriotyepe and the “True Indians Stay on the Reservation” lectures.

    The reaction to “Native American” is similar to calling blacks “colored”.

  2. And it was sure nice of nature to leave that fuel where we could find it when we need it.

  3. The concern about the pipe rupturing over a sand formation was laughable. Sand is used to soak up oil spills. That is how nature made shale gas and oil.

  4. Howdy benofhouston
    We’re off topic but that works for me.
    There are problems with any term used for the people who traversed Beringia and established societies throughout the Americas.
    The term “Indian” derives from Columbus’s math error and his belief that he had reached India or the Indies. “Indian” remains an official American term but some people who are members of those societies consider the term incorrect or even insulting; others like it.
    The problem with “Native American” is that I am a native American, born here and the child of several generations here, but I am not descended from the people who were here when Columbus got here. Many members of the societies involved like Native American and a few don’t.
    Canada uses the term “First Nations” and that idea works for me. The groups we sometimes call Native Americans and sometimes call American Indians were the First Americans, so I like both terms.

  5. Tides Foundation is paying the Canadians natives to protest the Endridge PipeLine …. The Odds that they are doing the same thing in the US is High.

  6. A rupture of the Keystone XL could occur but it’s unlikely. A rupture will cause some damage and it will be remediated. The children and grandchildren are in no danger of thirst due to an XL rupture or any other.
    First Americans are among the most socialized of American communities — shared resources, single-payer health care, almost a kibbutz organization. They are heavily dependent on government handouts, though, which tends to tie them to the “generosity” of the “progressive” agenda.
    How has that worked out for them? And why would the rest of us embrace it?

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