National Research Council review of National Climate Assessment: Report is ‘myopic’; ‘Models not especially good’; ‘Need honest assessment’

Other than that…

An excerpt of the NRC comment:

For climate scientists who, by definition, must take a systems perspective, the report is myopic in many regards, missing some key interconnections and history, and instead seeing everything through a climate change “lens.” This is not to say that climate change is
unimportant, or that human activities are not driving much of this change. But we need an honest assessment of the interplay between the environment, policies, economics, and technology. Our models are not especially good at regional-scale predictions on decadal time scales, but this does not mean that the NCA cannot add value to the decision making process under uncertainty. The challenge is how to use uncertain science to inform these decisions and policies, while recognizing that science cannot provide definitive answers.

18322Read the NRC review of the NCA.

4 thoughts on “National Research Council review of National Climate Assessment: Report is ‘myopic’; ‘Models not especially good’; ‘Need honest assessment’”

  1. “This is not to say that climate change is unimportant, or that human activities are not driving much of this change.”
    I’ll say it. By the evidence available, climate change is not important in the last century and humans are not driving much of this change.
    “But we need an honest assessment of the interplay between the environment, policies, economics, and technology.” Except nobody on God’s happy green earth has the valid data or the math to do this. Too many variables, linked in too many ways with too many relationships, which is why the term “chaos” gets used.

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