NAS on National Climate Assessment: ‘Without any estimates of uncertainty, its doubtful whether any policy maker could use this information’

“An example of how the report misses an opportunity to be informative. It gives a huge range of possible rises in sea level, using words like ‘reasonable’ and ‘useful.'”

18322Read the NRC review of the NCA.

2 thoughts on “NAS on National Climate Assessment: ‘Without any estimates of uncertainty, its doubtful whether any policy maker could use this information’”

  1. Sure they do. They have scary scenario couched in weasel words that allow politicians to persue their agenda. After all, it could happen, don’t you know. One of the things that’s always puzzled me about climate science, is the reliance on really noisy measurements, some of which are of doubtful reliability and than make absolute statements about trends to two and three decimal places and everyone seems to accept it. Then we go off and establish global policies on this stuff.

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