6 thoughts on “MIchael Mann effort to exploit balmy weather in Wash DC backfires; Possibly 89F today, but was 90F in March 1907”

  1. Here in northern Illinois, we had just one day in March where the temperature reached the historical average. Now it’s April 11 and we are still awaiting our first 70 degree day. Rain and SNOW forecast for tonight.
    I’m old enough to remember these kinds of weather events repeating themselves over time. Nothing new.

  2. Why no mention of the 12+ inches of snow in Wyoming? Why no coverage of closed schools and airports? Shouldn’t cold events count, too? It’s referred to as “extreme weather”–extremely cold at this point. The storm had a name even.

  3. Actually, it’s about the 4th nice day, in a row. in the ’80’s yesterday and at 2pm today it officially set an all time high in Richmond, 89°F. Sure sign of uncontrolled global warming and I must forget walking around in a sweater last week and heating bills 20% higher than last year comparing month to month. I’m telling you the global warming is so terrible that the top on my Miata won’t stay up. 🙂

  4. When we have a cold winter, it’s not proof of no global warming because that’s weather. But get the first nice day of the year, and BAM! it’s global warming.

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