10 thoughts on “Margaret Thatcher dead; ‘Iron Lady’ promoted global warming to break coal miners union — then turned skeptic”

  1. Nobody was able to answer my question probably because it is true. Seems to me it was the Unions on perpetual strikes extracting money from the tax payer for not working. UK needed to import coal for the steel and other industries to remain competitive as it was cheaper then getting it from out of the ground! As for you alakhtal money represents time, sacrifice, toil and sweat it is difficult to obtain otherwise and that’s how it has value.

  2. you naive little child
    you have been indoctrinated with capitalist propaganda
    I hope you will see the truth and break free of the capitalist grip in your head

  3. Did Margaret Thatcher take away the need for coal? I don’t understand the arguments and think one side is being very dishonest. I was a child at the time. Were the trade unions operating something like an extortion racket with the mines and the taxpayer?

  4. Howdy alakhtal
    Do you seriously believe that the struggling economies of Europe in the last half-century are serving their people well? International trade, as free as possible, deregulation, small government, and privatization are the methods that produce large amounts of goods and services. That’s what improves standards of living. The dollars may go to the wealthy but the people who gain the most are the poor.

  5. People like alak hate anyone that exposes the fallacy of their udopia and Thatcher did.

  6. no am serious as death.
    Pedophile Jimmy Savile was her favorite. I thought you should know that her Prodigal Kid Mark Thatcher was knighted by Queen of England for the Art Bribery in Saudi Yamama Scandal. Oh Maggie! Since then Britons given-up putting women in Ten-Downing-Street. She exploited Ronald Reagan’s dementia and dyslexia to outsource US Fed to keep printing fiat money on behalf Bank of England to print Sterling Pounds overseas outta thin-air as architecture of Weak Dollar vs. strong Pound. This scam is sold to fools as we speak as modern globalized economy – monetarism, privatization, deregulation, small government, lower taxes and free trade.

  7. Howdy alakhtal
    I do hope you were being sarcastic. Otherwise you expose your ignorance. I lived through the Reagan-Thatcher era; that kind of “scam” would do us all a world of good now.

  8. Oh Maggie! Since then Britons quit giving women Ten-Downing-Street. She exploited Ronald Reagan’s dementia and dyslexia to fool him to print fiat money that England used to print Sterling Pounds against outta thin-air. They call her the architect of modern globalised economy – monetarism, privatization, deregulation, small government, lower taxes and free trade scam.

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