Lisa Jackson on EPA endangerment finding: It ‘was just wonderful’ because EPA scientists ‘had been drowned out for many years by climate critics’


From her interview with the Moms Clean Air Force:

MCAF: You had a very successful tenure as the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. What accomplishments make you most proud? What do you hope the next Administrator will accomplish?

Lisa Jackson: I’m particularly proud of three achievements. The first was in December 2009 when I signed the scientific finding that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare. That was a real moment for scientists at EPA whose voices had been drowned out for many years by climate critics. As a scientist, mom and leader of the agency, that finding was just wonderful…

4 thoughts on “Lisa Jackson on EPA endangerment finding: It ‘was just wonderful’ because EPA scientists ‘had been drowned out for many years by climate critics’”

  1. For more background on the Endangerment Finding and the dodgy science behind it, check out:

    “The input of the EPA into the IPCC reports is demonstrated by the fact that they provide funding for one of the core climate models, MAGICC/SCENGEN.”

    “There is no way that the EPA is going to criticise the IPCC when so much of its output comes from IPCC authors working as consultants to the EPA, but still Lisa Jackson denies that the IPCC forms a major part of their endangerment finding”

    “The EPA authors of the Endangerment Technical Support Document are mainly economists and environmental policy specialists, with qualifications like Masters in International Affairs or Public Policy and Management, although there are a couple of chemists, engineers and one meteorologist. Some are also IPCC authors and many are involved in the production of the proposed regulations.”

    “In order to add gravitas, the document has Federal Reviewers, but again they are not all climate scientists, although they are IPCC authors. Some are members of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and some are members of the panel on America’s Climate Choices, which are the bodies in which the EPA places so much faith and which, according to Lisa Jackson, form the basis of the science behind the EPA Endangerment finding. By acting as reviewers they are effectively validating their own work.

    In particular we have these big hitters in the climate debate, as reviewers of the Endangerment Finding Technical Support Document.
    Thomas Karl, director of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center.
    Dr Gavin Schmidt of NASA, and contributing editor of the RealClimate blog. IPCC Lead Author and modeller.
    Susan Solomon, NOAA Senior Scientist, Co-chair, IPCC Working Group 1, 2002-2008. She was recently challenged about the Inspector General’s report relating to FOA requests concerning the IPCC. She is a member of America’s Climate Choices Panel.”

    Also check out this major examination of Lisa Jackson and her role in promoting the UN Agenda 21:

  2. I’ve always loved the audacity of the left/progressives. Accusing their critics of doing what they themselves have been doing for a long time. They have been so hellbent on pushing their agenda that they have corupted who knows how many years of data.

  3. Adding to Mr. Cook’s comment:
    The highly regarded News Hour on public television stopped having any questioning of Climate Change theory for some time.

    Just who drowns whom?

  4. ” … a real moment for scientists at EPA whose voices had been drowned out for many years by climate critics.”

    Of course Ms Jackson abysmally fails to tell us why critics say what they say to begin with, and the interviewer can’t bring herself to ask about it.

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