5 thoughts on “Hansen Unleashed: ‘All of President Obama’s achievements will fade if he doesn’t act swiftly and decisively on climate change’”

  1. Would that it were so! Unfortunately, the massive debt & structural deficits, the emasculated military, the crippled healthcare industry, the courts packed with dishonest leftists, the chipping away at our Bill of Rights, etc., can’t be corrected by inaction on Hansen’s delusion.

  2. As a government employee, Hansen had at least some incentive to keep his rhetoric reasonable. The unleashed fanatic version is so off-the-wall nuts, he’ll do more harm to the warmist’s cause than good. This is not a win for warmism.

  3. We’re thinking along the same lines — if Obama fails to act on climate change, perhaps his achievements in the economy and internation affairs will also fade, leaving us with 5.6% unemployment, 3.5% GDP growth, and a position of strength.
    President Obama has achieved one thing I do respect greatly. He was a big part of ending discrimination in the armed forces against servicemembers who are gay. I’ve been part of that movement myself since 1978. He may have acted because he dislikes the armed forces, but it’s still the right thing to do.

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