Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’

Who knew Hansen had an anti-government streak?

From Hansen’s latest essay:

There is also a Democratic (Boxer/Sanders) bill in Congress, but as usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to take 40% of the money to make government bigger, including congressional specification of how 15% of the money is to be spent.

8 thoughts on “Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’”

  1. That turned out to be Jeane Dixon’s “prophecy”, incidentally. Either “foresee” entirely foreseeable events, like Marilyn Monroe’s suicide, or make a LOT of guesses and some are nearly sure to stick.
    I remember years ago, when Jeane was stil alive to do this, she had some predictions in a December Nationa Enquirer for the next year. No follow-up on the previous year’s predicitons.
    CAGW does some of the same thing. “Predict” things that would happen with or without CAGW (“the sun will rise later in December in New York! Earlier in December in Brisbane!”) or predict enough floods and droughts that some will happen on schedule.

  2. Well if you say it is going to heat up or cool off long enough, eventually you will be correct. Yes the climate will change. Always has, always will. Can we affect it? Maybe. Minutely. I’m going to die. One of these days, I will correct and you can celebrate my gift of prophecy.

  3. “Climate system inertia means that it will take several centuries for the eventual extreme global warming mentioned above to occur…”

    This is the kind of assertion I would expect from the warmist camp. It implies that empirical observation of even minimally variable weather and climate for the rest of our lifetimes and the lifetimes of our children will not disprove the CAGW theories and models. This is tantamount to the admission that CAGW is essentially faith based dogma that we must embrace, at least for the next several hundred years or so.

    Now, much of our treasure will be required to tithe to the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming?

  4. However, he appears to be willing to consider balanced approaches and is actively turning against the extremes and unworkable lunacy that has prevaded the “do something” crowd. With careful discussion and consideration on his part, he might even realize that no goverment actions that could possibly be taken will cause less damage than the global warming they avert. This gives me hope that Hansen can turn from a radical environmentalist to a rational conservationist.

  5. His opening paragraphs prove he’s still completely immersed in his CAGW fantasy. That ruins his credibility related to policy.

  6. Every government employee has a pro-government streak while working for the government. Here’s hoping Hansen can make it in the true working world. His single opportunity, of course, depends upon his designer handcuff manufacturing company staying in business.

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