Enviros bluff Obama: Approve Keystone and forget about enviro help for Dem gains in 2014

Enviros fear the worst with Keystone.

“While Obama doesn’t have to worry about running again, Brune has said green-lighting Keystone could hurt fundraising and make activists less inclined to campaign for Democrats facing reelection in 2014. Several Democratic donors told POLITICO recently that they will re-evaluate their fundraising efforts for Democrats if Obama approves the project.”

Read more at Politico.

5 thoughts on “Enviros bluff Obama: Approve Keystone and forget about enviro help for Dem gains in 2014”

  1. There never was any reason to stop the XL pipeline. Our president, like the one before him, studied at Harvard. We should build the pipeline and bulldoze Harvard.

    By the way, Obama’s weakest subject is the law.

  2. “Enviros fear the worst with Keystone.” Actually, in fearing Keystone, enviros fear the best.
    Enviros are not going to support the GOP but they may stay home in 2014, which would be good for the country. Conservative purists who thought Mitt Romney was too left for them helped re-elect someone a lot more left. How is that plan working?
    In conditioning behavior, trainers reward “successive approximations of desired behavior.” In voting, that would mean supporting whoever is closer to your views to help encourage movement closer yet to your views. Libertarian and conservative voters should remember that.

  3. One thing for sure about enviros: they’ll never run out of issues. If they lose on Keystone, they’ll find something else. There’s nothing to worry about.

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