5 thoughts on “Environmental Injustice: Complying with EPA standards no longer a defense in environmental justice complaints”

  1. If you build or dump it near black people, you are racist.
    If you build or dump it near indians people, you are racist.
    If you build or dump it near oriental people, you are racist.
    If you build or dump it near hispanics people, you are racist.
    If you build or dump it near gay people, you are racist.
    If you build or dump it near white people, you are racist for keeping all the jobs for yourselves.

    Can’t win the PC game, everybody loses!!

  2. Sounds to me like the EPA found itself in untenable circumstances when providing sanctuary of rebuttable presumption for compliance with certain of its overreaching regulations. This may have raised questions, that the EPA chose to evade, concerning the legality or constitutionality of the regulations themselves.

  3. Did I miss something – I didn’t see any requirements for the group making the complaint to file any supporting data. But it is nice of EPA, at their own expense, to investigate and amass the required data. Giving the case to a captive Administrative Law Judge to make a final decision is a one way street. Administrative Law Judges that go against their agencies don’t keep their jobs very long.

    TC Brown

  4. How Kafka-esque. If you comply with all applicable laws, you may still be accused of violations.

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