Enviro inadvertently makes the case FOR Keystone XL in House hearing; NRDC witness explains impracticality of rail transport

At today’s House Energy & Power Subcommittee hearing on the Keystone XL, the NRDC witness explained the impracticalities of transporting tar sands oil by rail. The pipeline, therefore, is the only practical option.

Watch the hearing live at 10am ET.

2 thoughts on “Enviro inadvertently makes the case FOR Keystone XL in House hearing; NRDC witness explains impracticality of rail transport”

  1. Warren Buffet probably didn’t like hearing about that since he probably had big plans for his BN RR.

  2. This isn’t quite the mistake you think it is. They aren’t just trying to stop the pipeline. They are trying to stop ANY and ALL means of transporting the tar sands oil. They want to stop the pipeline AND the rail transport.

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