Claim that dietary salt kills millions not based on relevant data and ‘is a very big reach,’ says Cleveland Clinic expert

From the Daily Caller:

Dr. Steven Nissen, the chair of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, explained the process being used to attribute all these deaths to the over-consumption of salt: “They’re trying to extrapolate millions of deaths based upon salt intake, but it’s not based upon any data on mortality and salt. … It’s also based on an extrapolation of the effect of sodium on blood pressure, which is a very big reach, and not a reliable estimate of the burdens of salt.”

3 thoughts on “Claim that dietary salt kills millions not based on relevant data and ‘is a very big reach,’ says Cleveland Clinic expert”

  1. The crying shame is that this article comes out in the Daily Caller – with all due respect, who the hell is going to read it? Headline writers in the the mainstream press will carry on writing false headlines based on press releases from the agencies which commission the “research” and the general public will read the headline (and maybe the first couple of paragraphs), believe that salt kills and go out and buy the lastest “lo-salt” labelled crackers on the supermarket shelf.

  2. They really ought to teach these people logical analysis. Such inappropriate comparisons were debunked by Aristotle centuries ago.

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