Air pollution scientist, gagged by UCLA, wins a round in court; Federal judge rules case may proceed

“By all appearances UCLA did, in fact, violate [ friend] Jim Enstrom’s first amendment rights, not to mention his 14th amendment rights, and purposely deprived him of the funding he needed just to shut him up on issues of air pollution.”

Read more in the Bakersfield Californian.

4 thoughts on “Air pollution scientist, gagged by UCLA, wins a round in court; Federal judge rules case may proceed”

  1. Most of this is typical, but one thing stands out.

    If the accusations presented in this article are true, I would like to know who in the University’s accounting department was arrested for what appears to be grand theft.

  2. Obtaining money from the government simply because one believes one is entitled to it (Welfare), or because one believes it is the government’s responsibility to disburse such money (Grants), is an ‘Entitlement Mentality’.
    It is an unsustainable economic model – whether one has a shopping cart or a Ph.D. The government is taking money from people who are adding value to the economy, creating the economic equivalent of Friction and Waste Heat.

  3. Many of us have debated the E=GREEN Ph,D GRANT PAID scientist at NASA, many Universities – they have been defeated in the peak oil, wind power, solar power and bio fuels on the merits – but they still persist to sell bad science for money – the new title is now ECO – WHORES = paid for service rendered. To bad we are at the point of now switching from a Publish [books] to publish rubbish for money and tenure.

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