A brief on the canard that warmists are more credible because they have out-published skeptics

Warmist Greg Laden offers this graphic to marginalize confidence in climate skeptics: Continue reading A brief on the canard that warmists are more credible because they have out-published skeptics

Enviros hit World Bank for funding fossil fuels: $18 billion over the past 5 years; ‘Does not merit donor support’

“Until the World Bank Group can show that it can more effectively align these goals in its work, we believe that it does not merit donor support as an agent in the fight against climate change.” Continue reading Enviros hit World Bank for funding fossil fuels: $18 billion over the past 5 years; ‘Does not merit donor support’

Bill Maher: In science, ‘you reach a consensus, then debate the next issue’

No doubt this sort of ignorance is why Bill Maher has yet to figure out that he’s no libertarian either. Continue reading Bill Maher: In science, ‘you reach a consensus, then debate the next issue’

Lisa Jackson pushes canard that $1 worth of EPA rules bring $30 in economic benefits

Jackson’s EPA once asserted that two of its rules — the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and the Mercury Air Toxics Standard — would annually produce benefits of $380 billion — equal to about 2.5% of US GDP! Continue reading Lisa Jackson pushes canard that $1 worth of EPA rules bring $30 in economic benefits

Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA

The bogus concept was actually brought to EPA in 1990 (during the administration of George H.W. Bush) in the form of the Workgroup on Environmental Equity and expanded into an office of its own in 1992. Continue reading Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA

Lisa Jackson on EPA endangerment finding: It ‘was just wonderful’ because EPA scientists ‘had been drowned out for many years by climate critics’

Bizarre. Continue reading Lisa Jackson on EPA endangerment finding: It ‘was just wonderful’ because EPA scientists ‘had been drowned out for many years by climate critics’

IBD: NASA Global Warming Extremist Hansen Leaves To Fight Canadian Pipeline

“The man who once compared coal trains to Nazi boxcars headed to crematoria leaves government service to fight what he calls the “pipeline to disaster” and promote his brand of climate quackery.” Continue reading IBD: NASA Global Warming Extremist Hansen Leaves To Fight Canadian Pipeline