14 thoughts on “UDelaware Prof: Tasty food not socially responsible”

  1. I know an IT department that is in Suite 404 — I promise you that’s the truth. (That means no one can find them.)

  2. Of course, that’s why they labelled your behaviour as a “disorder”. Then they hope people look at you and think “poor guy”. From your point of view, being socially irresponsible is a positive thing, and I agree, but the idea that the group-think crowd labels you “disordered” means people may just shrug and ignore you. (I do understand that Asperger’s probably indicates you don’t care if you are ignored. I’m looking at this from the “other side” of the aisle.)

  3. I have Asperger’s Syndrome – an ‘autistic spectrum disorder’. It is a (probably hereditary) birthright. I have been this way all my life.
    I am almost by *definition* socially irresponsible!
    That’s OK, though, because the up-side of ‘social irresponsiblity’ is absolute immunity from the group-think that drives people to try to comply with whatever they believe other people are thinking.

  4. Of all forms of ignorance, “educated” ignorance is the most dangerous, the most unreasonable and the hardest to overcome. People with many years of “studies”, (fluff courses that only require attending rabid idiological lectures) where they learn more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

  5. Finally–an admission that anything that tastes good is bad for you. Remember when the food nazis howled that was not their goal? Surprise, it was and is. People will eat what they want. Unless you outlaw sugar, salt and fat, those can be added at home to the tasteless health food.

    As a side note, I want the frosting back on my frosted flakes. I didn’t buy the box so I could eat corn flakes. Thank you food nazis.

  6. Say it isn’t so! Restaurants and food companies making food tasty. who would have thought? Those bastards…

  7. A good deal of how people process our food started with making it usable at all. Cooked food is generally more digestible.
    Spices were originally used to cover up the off flavor of food that had aged without (one hopes) being dangerously spoiled.
    A lot of food processing, as noted above, is to keep food usable and pleasant for long periods. This reduces wastage by a huge margin.
    As for the food companies producing the products we enjoy at reasonable costs — well, gosh, what a sin that must be!
    Just for grins, I compared a Kashi snack bar to a Nature Valley snack bar. Kashi, the earth-friendly health food brand, had more fat than Nature Valley, a semi-health-food brand but it doesn’t put on the airs that Kashi does.

  8. Our grandmothers used to make food that tasted good and that we would love. Cookies were always in the cookie jar when we came home from school; shortening and sausages were frequent ingredients in hearty family fare, and the salt shaker was used daily and heavily at the table. Good grief. Chefs and food professionals used to want to make food that tasted good and people would enjoy — now that is bad.

    Michael Moss, the author, and his other NY Times colleagues, have a special dislike of food companies and sadly also don’t understand food processing, something that’s been done throughout human history to make food more palatable, digestible and preserve it. If it is done by a company (not your mother or grandmother), it seems, they want people to fear that something sinister is going on.

    Michael Moss’s interviews are sad and like those of someone severely eating disordered and food-phobic — his kids have to count the sugar grams on their breakfast cereal; he believes fat and salt are deadly. He’s full of conspiracy theories: industry was behind a cheese conspiracy (as people drank less milk to lose weight, they got their calcium and dairy more in the form of cheese); food producers use salt to cover up off-flavors of bad food; and any food that tastes good must be addictive (not understanding the difference between studies demonstrating normal biological hunger, rather than addiction).

    The food industry’s mistake was that they had no interest in the sound science regarding obesity and rather than educate their customers, found it easier to get on board with trying to make their food “healthier” and diet friendly. Abandoning good science always come back to bite you in the rear end.

  9. Taste is one of those basic requirements for me as a food consumer. It’s what defines the word “like.” Shame on my Grandmothers for making their food tasty. Now I am ruined and I will die. Some day. For some reason unrelated to the sugar and salt put in my food 60 years ago.

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