Retired Admiral: Global warming could cause Pakistan to use nuclear weapons

So says a renewable energy lobbyist surfing his Navy credentials.

Retired Vice Adm. Dennis V. McGinn, president and chief executive of the American Council on Renewable Energy, said in a recent radio interview that Pakistan is an example of a country that could turn on a dime because of climate events and become a threat to national and global security if major floods or other weather events become more frequent. Such natural disasters, which displace people and disrupt basic services, put tremendous pressure on society and government, making a country more susceptible to major governmental takeovers or other changes.
“Oh, and by the way, they have nuclear weapons,” he said.

Read more at Roll Call.

3 thoughts on “Retired Admiral: Global warming could cause Pakistan to use nuclear weapons”

  1. Much more likely disaster – scare them into solar panels and wind mills for no valid reason. The crippling electricity prices, mass unemployment and food riots will make them less likely to nuke us????? Now go to the bathtub and play with your ships and leave thinking to people who can.

  2. “and become a threat to national and global security” — Oops, too late. Pakistan is already there.

  3. So far so good for Pakistan,

    FAO-“While the production increase is expected mostly in Europe, prospects for the 2013 wheat crop in the Far East are generally favourable with output expected to reach record levels in China and Pakistan”

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