6 thoughts on “Maryland wind farm projected to kill more bald eagles than DDT”

  1. The wind farm is supposed to be 10 nautical miles off shore. I don’t think eagles operate out to sea that far.

  2. The wind farm is supposed to be 10 nautical miles off shore. If no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

  3. Somebody beat me to it, but it’s not hard to kill more than zero eagles. “Silent Bird Blenders” is good — I like “Bird Processors.”

  4. If the wind farm kills one Bald Eagle, it will kill more than DDT. The study showing DDT caused thin shells in Bald Eagle eggs was proven flawed and a repeat study showed no affect. Of Course the news media ignored the second study and pushed for a ban. This international ban is contributing to thousands of deaths, from malaria, in Africa, but hell what is a few puny human lives in comparison to a non-existent risk to Bald Eagles.

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