2 thoughts on “Inhofe: Flop warmist movie ‘leveraging the unknown to incite fear and raise money to make people like Al Gore even wealthier’”

  1. This Country sorely needs more “greedy lying bastards” like Jim Inhofe, and less of those “sharing, caring philanthropist” hypocrites like Algore. Jim Inhofe is an honorable man who loves the truth about everything honorable, especially related to those things family, country, and God. Algore, on the other hand, loves all things fearful, Al Jazeera, and oil money (which he’ll surely donate to his favorite charities–Algore, or the Armand Hammer Foundation).

    Buy the book, reader friends. It’s called “The Greatest Hoax: How The Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future,” (Washington: WND Books, 2012).

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