Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Global warming took a back seat in Al Gore’s sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera.

Al Gore has not yet figured out that the more he talks, the less sense he makes.

From CNSNews coverage of Al Gore’s SXSW talk:

… “You just sold your TV network to Al Jazeera, which is owned by a government and that government is basically a big—nothing but an oil producer,” NowThis News asked Gore.

“Gas mainly, and oil, yes,” Gore said.

“And they’re producing exactly the kind of fuel you think is a terrible danger to the planet. How could you do that?”

“Okay, I knew when I made that decision with my partners—I had obligations to my investors, but that didn’t drive the decision,” Gore said. “I knew that my principle obligation was to do business in a way that makes the world a better place.”

“You have heard me be very critical of American television journalism,” Gore said.

“I think that the addition of a very high-quality, 24-7, honest-to-goodness news channel that covers international news as well as national — that covers climate, that covers poverty, that cover issues that are ignored today — has the potential to be disruptive in a creative and positive way, and raise the game for television journalism here in the United State of America,” he said…

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