GOP campaign arm tells Obama to ‘condemn’ Organizing for Action anti-Keystone XL e-mail

“The House GOP’s political arm is challenging President Obama to distance himself from an email sent by Organizing for Action (OFA) — the advocacy group borne from his reelection campaign — that criticized legislation supporting the Keystone XL oil pipeline.”

Read more at The Hill.

One thought on “GOP campaign arm tells Obama to ‘condemn’ Organizing for Action anti-Keystone XL e-mail”

  1. Well, philosophically, I think Obama agrees with the e-mail. More to the point, I don’t know why he would distance himself from it. The positions I saw in it were consistent with his own statements and they were as measured and civil as anything OFA has released.
    I don’t expect the president — any president — to “distance himself” from a statement that reflects his positions unless it is phrased outrageously.

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