Fools and Their Money: Investors Seek Ways to Profit From Global Warming — Not the Scare, the Actual Warming!

“Working under the assumption that climate change is inevitable, they’re investing in businesses that will profit as the planet gets hotter…

… buying water treatment companies, brokering deals for Australian farmland, and backing a startup that has engineered a mosquito to fight dengue, a disease that’s spreading as the mercury climbs.”

Read more at Businessweek.

5 thoughts on “Fools and Their Money: Investors Seek Ways to Profit From Global Warming — Not the Scare, the Actual Warming!”

  1. Just remember that the Efficient Markets Hypothesis says the all the available market information is reflected in the market price, but this does not mean that the market participants are rational.

  2. Very interesting and useful article… Now I need to find a way to short these investments.

  3. At least they put their money where their mouths are and are trying to make positive change instead of just exploiting people. I won’t laugh when their businesses fail because it was built on a faulty premise.

  4. If they were not as stupid in their projections of the effects of warming, they would be good short-sale candidates. But because they are stupid, they might gain from cooling by mistake.

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