EPA helped make anti-fracking movie ‘Gasland’

FOIA helps expose EPA again.

From the Institute for Energy Research:

…On Jan. 4, 2011, former EPA communications officer Betsaida Alcantara and Associate EPA Administrator Seth Oster corresponded with Josh Fox, producer of a widely discredited 2010 documentary ‘Gasland,’ about the director’s request to interview Administrator Armendariz for an upcoming film. In the exchange, Armendariz notes, “it was good working with [Fox] for Gasland,” and goes on to suggest a place in Fort Worth where the director can get “good background shots.”…

Read more at IER.

4 thoughts on “EPA helped make anti-fracking movie ‘Gasland’”

  1. The EPA is appearing to have more and more fundamental conflicts of interest in dealing with the environmental movement.

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