Enviros attack ‘sustainable shale’ group again: ‘Industry is inherently bad for human health and global sustainability’

The anti-frackng group Food & Water either really opposes the fracker-enviro kumbaya group — or it is jealous that it hasn’t been included in the redistribution of fracking profits.

Read more at Huffington Post.

One thought on “Enviros attack ‘sustainable shale’ group again: ‘Industry is inherently bad for human health and global sustainability’”

  1. The damning criticism: “they are really promoting industry self-regulation.” In other words, industry is actually supposed to be heartless, planet-destroying juggernauts and by playing nice with others via this protection racket they are stealing NGO fire.

    The NGOs have the industry’s capitulation *and* the money. If the NGOs won’t honor the protection deal and payola, I say, keep the money, revoke the truce, and fight back.

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